Love is War Anime Kaguya Sama Cosplay Costumes Kaguyashinomiya Fujiwara Clothing Woman Dresses Wigs
After selling online several years, before 7 years we decided to start Anime Store with trendy Love is War Anime Kaguya Sama Cosplay Costumes Kaguyashinomiya Fujiwara Clothing Woman Dresses Wigs and many other fan merch for true fans. Fanmerch Store is currently successfully running and specialized in different fashion.
Fanmerch value each individual customer as well as wholesale customer. Our warehouse is located in different countries worldwide. Fan Merch provide native-speaking customer service in English.
Fan Merch Store offer our customers amazing savings compared to prices offered by traditional retailers for similar or identical products.
Do not hesitate to contact us any time before and after your purchase; we are committed to 100% customer satisfaction. We back our commitment with superb service and 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.
Buy Kaguya Sama Love Is War With Confidence!
love is war anime
kaguya sama
fujiwara anime
Woman Dresses
Due to the light and screen difference, the Fujiwara Clothing item’s color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please understand.
Allow slight deviation for the measurement data and make sure you do not mind before ordering Anime Woman Cosplay.
If there is anything else that we can help about kaguyashinomiya, please feel free to contact us.
For Russian Buyers, please mention your full name with 3 part and address. It is impossible to address issues if we do not know about them!
Payment Method:
Many payment methods we support, you can check before payment. Please pay within 7 days of order.
Buyer has responsibility to pay customs tax, more tax questions, please contact your country customs or seller.
If you do not received parcels in normally time, please contact us for checking, but not open dispute without contact.
We supply World shipping. (Except few countries and APO/FPO).
All orders will be processed first time once the payment verification passed.
Actual delivery time may be different, particularly during the holiday season.
Check for more shipping details.
We maintain high standards of excellence and strive for 100% customer satisfaction! Feedback is very important. We request that you contact us immediately BEFORE you give us neutral or negative feedback, so that we can perform up your satisfaction. We are sure that there is always solution and we sure don’t want a bad feedback to be where the transaction ends After-sale Serve. All suggestion are welcome, we will learn the lesson and try our best to make progress on our product and service.
AAAAAAH I'm too happy!!
это оооочень крутой набор!!! парик мягкий, легко расчесывается, платье милое, не просвечивает, материал хороший, для меня было приятным сюрпризом, что положили две пары гольфов, черные и белые(я не думала,что их положат в заказ). заказывайте, не пожалеете. это платье можно носить и на повседневной основе
Took less than a week to ship to the Netherlands. Seller recommended to take an XL but I got and L and it fits perfectly. There is a zipper on the back and you get all the accessories. Dress is good quality too.
Everything came shvidko, Parik Duye m'yaky for dotik. Super
The cosplay is of super good quality!! The dress is solid the knot is perfect! I recommend buying this cosplay! The wig was purchased separately this is the wig of zero two by darling in the franxx
the cosplay is great, but a little bit small. the wig is not like the picture at all. way more pink, and the quality is not that good.
Everything is super. Advise
Cute and accurate
the fabric is what you’d expect from this good of a price but overall pretty good. I’m not sure if I just have a big head or if the wig is too small, and the wig was way too bright of a pink. it also came with the kaguya bow for some reason
Buna left comments, but it's just that I love it, I just got the wrong size (a little tight), but the shipping very fast, it really took 1 week and a half
Very cool! A little hot and to me it has 65 kilos XL're very big. But came to the ornament hair Kaguya
the quality is VERY GOOD and it came with chika and kaguya's stuff I just accidentally ordered the wrong size . 1.60 height 55 weight and 93 bust but I think size m would fit me better
The product was late for a week and a couple of days. the quality of the fabric I liked sooo much.
Perfectoo weon was super scared thinking the order would be delayed but na q see arrived super fast and the order came with gift things is precious
It arrived in 1 month, I ordered size M with fear that I would not stay (my waist is 4 cm more than what comes out in the size chart), and it was perfect! In fact, I have a little space left over. It also brings the ornament of Kaguya's hair and socks.
платье супер классное!! парик качественный, волос очень приятный, ещё и чулочки были в комплекте, всё очень круто
muy bien
This everything is perfect, it comes for chika and pra kaguya. Something that I did not like were the sleeves, the white part specifically that is very large, but nothing that cannot be fixed. Beautiful all
It was great! I got 2 different sets of high thighs so I got white ones and black ones! Wig was shiny but that was to be expected.
Took about a month and a half to arrive to the states but overall a really good deal. the wig is nice and thick. the cosplay is good quality too! I reccomend!
Well, the sizes are right.
For the price is great, but the wig is very shiny
Like the description, the measurements are a little bigger than the ones on the table, the wig doesn't have so much hair but it's OK for the price. Came with kaguya's socks and accessories, arrived in 2 weeks
Very good quality fabric, can be ironed and also come with chika accessories
Beautiful nothing to complain about apart some small queue that comes out and some place badly sewn but sino. There's nothing to say